Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 6, 2010

Yesterday, I went to New York City with friends from Discovery Education to see the premiere of "Brace for Impact" the story of the landing of a US Airbus in the Hudson River last year. Captain Sullenberger, the pilot, and many other people who were on the plane as well as first responders, were there as well. Before the premiere there was a cocktail hour, then the movie, and then a reception in the penthouse.

I'll be writing more about it, but I love this photo taken around 10PM looking east into Manhattan. It was a perfect winter night, clear, crisp and full of energy.

Throughout the week, more photos will be posted, but for tonight...this is my favorite.

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1 comment:

  1. I really wanted to go out on the deck area, but the time just slipped by. Great shot of the city at night. Yes, more fun memories made.
